Technical Equipment Asset Management (TEAM)
Technical Equipment Asset Management (TEAM) is a risk-financing program of the Liability Cooperative of Nevada (LiCON) dedicated solely to the economical repair and maintenance of medical equipment. TEAM contracts with Shepherd and Associates Insurance Services, Inc. as the Program Administrator and Nevada Rural Hospital Partners, Inc. for day-to-day operations.
Objectives of the TEAM Program
- Assure/improve equipment monitoring and clinical performance;
- Control/reduce equipment maintenance cost; and
- Provide cost-of-ownership analysis supporting capital equipment replacement decisions.
Responsibilities of the TEAM Program
- Monitor individual repairs;
- Monitor individual repair costs;
- Evaluate equipment performance;
- Evaluate vendor performance;
- Analyze equipment cost-of-ownership;
- Make recommendations regarding repair procedures, vendor relations, etc.; and
- Make recommendations regarding purchase and/or replacement of equipment.
Benefits of the TEAM Program
- Monitor individual repairs;
- Monitor individual repair costs;
- Evaluate equipment performance;
- Evaluate vendor performance;
- Analyze equipment cost-of-ownership;
- Make recommendations regarding repair procedures, vendor relations, etc.; and
- Make recommendations regarding purchase and/or replacement of equipment.