In the 2019 Legislative Session, SB130 provided for the licensing and regulation of certain persons who administer radiation. The law, which becomes effective 1/1/20, allows technicians currently performing x-rays or CTs without certification to obtain a “grandfathered license” and would require them to take CEUs and relicense on a periodic basis. The law also allows certain persons (e.g., MAs) taking plain films in an RHC or FQHC under a physician’s license to continue to be able to perform this function if there is QA oversight and periodic documented education.

SB 130 can be read in its entirety here: SB130_EN

The proposed regulations can be read here: R074-19P

Once an application is received by the State, members should receive a letter acknowledging receipt and allowing technicians to continue to work until the licensing process is completed. Members should: (1) keep a copy of every application submitted in the radiology department and in HR files; (2) send applications via certified mail; and (3) remind all staff of the need to apply before December 31st.

Forms can be found at the following link:

Per the Radiation Control Program: If technicians are ARRT certified, they fill out the form titled “LICENSE APPLICATION” and send a check for $200. If they are or are not ARRT certified and have received on the job training in CT or Flouroscopy, they fill out the form titled “LIMITED LICENSE” and send a check for $00. Additionally, the “ATTESTATION FORM FOR LICENSE/LIMITED LICENSE/RURAL AUTHORIZATION” form must also be sent–it is suggested that either the radiology supervisor or a radiologist sign this attestation.

If a medical assistant is working under a physician or physician assistant’s direction and license in an RHC, they must fill out the “RURAL AUTHORIZATION APPLICATION” and send a check for $50. Be sure that only the modalities the individual was training in are circled. Along with this form, submit proof of training in radiation safety and proper positioning. The “ATTESTATION FORM FOR LICENSE/LIMITED LICENSE/RURAL AUTHORIZATION” form must also be sent–it is suggested that either the physician or physicians assistant that the MA works under signs this form, although it will be accepted if the radiology supervisor who did the training signs.

All persons taking radiologic images MUST be licensed by January 1, 2020!